The hatHUT label (based in Switzerland) has been steadily producing recordings since 1975, nearly forty years of documenting the creative music scene. I’ve released over a dozen projects with the label since 1996, representing the bulk of my recorded output. Continuing in this relationship I’m very pleased to present this new release, a live solo saxophone recording made this past December in Brooklyn, NY as part of the Snugs concert series at 61 Local, produced by Anabel Anderson.
My first solo concert took place in 1992. In developing these performances over the years I often explored some of the further reaches of the saxophone. This solo performance represents a somewhat different approach, giving me a chance to work more deeply with the instrument’s core qualities, taking inspiration from the words of Hector Berlioz after hearing the saxophone for the first time:
“La voix du saxophone…Son principal mérite, selon moi, est dans la beauté variée de son accent, tantôt grave et calme, tantôt passionné, tantôt rêveur, ou mélancolique, ou vague, comme l’écho affaibli d’un écho, comme les plaintes indistinctes de la brise dans les bois, et mieux encore, comme les vibrations mystérieuses d’une cloche, longtemps après qu’elle a été frappée. Aucun autre instrument de musique existant, à moi connu, ne possède cette curieuse sonorité placée sur la limite du silence.” Hector Berlioz, Le Journal des Débats (21 april 1849)
“The voice of the saxophone…Its chief merit, in my opinion, is in the varied beauty of its accent, sometimes serious and quiet, sometimes passionate, sometimes dreamy or melancholy or vague like the faint echo of an echo, as indistinct laments breeze in the woods, and even better, as the mysterious vibrations of a bell, long after it was hit. No other existing musical instrument, known to me, has this strange sound placed on the edge of silence .” Hector Berlioz, Le Journal des Débats (April 21st, 1849)
Order ELLERY ESKELIN - Solo Live at Snugs / 61Local on CD, from the website for world-wide mail order via Pay Pal. Price is $15 USD.
~limited time sale offer~
For a limited time we are offering a “2 for $25” sale. Order a copy of SOLO LIVE AT SNUGS and chose any other item on the order page and get both for $25. Be sure to use the “2 for $25” Pay Pal sale button. Then simply mention your second choice item in the additional notes field of the Pay Pal order page.
Click here to go to the website and order your copy.
Watch the Promotional Video and listen to an excerpt of “Unwritten Rule” from SOLO Live at Snugs / 61 Local:
Ellery Eskelin - Solo Live at Snugs / 61 Local
Recorded live at 61 Local in Brooklyn, NY by Jon Rosenberg on December 1st, 2013. All selections by Ellery Eskelin. Tuhtah Publishing/Suisa. Produced by Ellery Eskelin. Executive production by Werner X. Uehlinger. hatOLOGY 731 CD.
Turning a Phrase 13:52
State of Mind 11:25
Unwritten Rule 10:29
Weave / Warp and Woof 14:40
Total Time 50:29